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Signal synthesis and calculation tool SigSim
Signal synthesis and calculation tool SigSim
SigSim is a signal synthesis and atmospheric transmission runtime library for radiation correction detector display and window visualization. Provide any real photoelectric/infrared physical model in the 0.2-25um band. SigSim's ultra-fast algorithm and the background and target common material library in the comprehensive environment can be used for multi-detector, OTW, computer generated force system/SAF and hardware-in-the-loop simulation applications.
product description
Natural & artificial light source building blocks
SigSim can provide all natural light sources and accurate values of the following necessary parameters under any 3D position, time, date and atmospheric/weather conditions. For artificial light sources such as tungsten lamps, sodium lamps, neon lamps or polymetallic lamps, SigSim can provide a corrected spectral irradiance.
Atmospheric Transmission Module
Based on the Modtran & Radtran atmospheric transmission module authorized by the US Air Force Laboratory (AFRL), SigSim uses an ultra-fast path integration/transmission algorithm. These algorithms can be operated on atmospheric data models. For example, in the WGS-84 3D atmospheric model, users are allowed to assign parameters such as pressure, temperature, molecular type concentration, and weather conditions anywhere in the world.
Material/Physical Property Coding Environment Synthesis Module
In addition to the atmospheric data model, SigSim uses an innovative material system concept (supported by SEDRISEDCS) that combines terrain and target data models. The material system allows material configurations and related boundary conditions derived from a wide range of databases to be assigned to texture pixels, vertices and planes in the database. The fast SigSim algorithm retrieves physical properties and conditions, such as density, thermal conductivity, specific heat, BRFD, RCS, wind speed, engine working status, etc., synthetic photoelectric (EO), infrared (IR) and RF detector passband signals.
Thermal emission & reflection module
Thermal emission & reflection module
SigSim has an ultra-fast, fully transient heat conduction model algorithm, which can respond to changes in boundary conditions in real time. Boundary conditions can be instantaneous wind speed, air temperature, rainfall, engine working status, Mach number, date and direct sun heat, sky background heat, etc.
Contact Us
14th Floor, Block A, China International Science & Technology Exhibition Center, 12 Yumin Road, Madian, Chaoyang District, Beijing