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Material Classification Tool Genesis
Material Classification Tool Genesis
Genesis software is an advanced algorithm tool that provides material classification. Genesis software combines physical attributes and boundary conditions with remote sensing terrain images and 3D models in RGB format. Based on real physical processes, the process of sensor simulation and simulation is realized.
product description
Complete MatClass product
Genesis's built-in tools have a friendly interface and an efficient way to import, manage, view and process a huge number of images.
Semi-automatic material classification
Genesis allows users to select one or several typical pictures from the picture library to be processed for algorithm training, and can perform quality comparison tests to ensure reasonable results.
Support multiple source image formats
Genesis supports RGB, multispectral and hyperspectral images in any resolution format.
Signal synthesis
Genesis uses JRM signal synthesis and atmospheric transmission real-time database, SigSim's advanced algorithm to create material coding textures, and realizes military/commercial visible light and sensor simulation and simulation.
Material classification map
The Genesis output file is a multi-channel material classification map (MCM). Each pixel in the map contains the material system ID and the proportion of mixed components. The material system has multiple layers of mixed materials and thermal boundary conditions.
Extensive material system database
Genesis uses the JRM Spectroscopy Laboratory material database to provide spectral DHR, thermophysical and electromagnetic properties of nearly 400 real materials.
Sensor effect preview
Genesis uses the JRM SigSim signal and atmospheric synthesis laboratory to provide a sensor preview mode to realize the visualization of the typical sensor simulation effect of the synthesized MCM. The user can customize the sensor preview. Custom types include: LWIR, MWIR and NVG.
Contact Us
14th Floor, Block A, China International Science & Technology Exhibition Center, 12 Yumin Road, Madian, Chaoyang District, Beijing