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Simulation instrument tool GL Studio
Simulation instrument tool GL Studio
DiSTI is an advanced software and service provider with users all over the world in enterprises, governments and military. DiSTI provides solutions for multiple industries, building virtual cockpits for aviation and aerospace in defense applications, and has a very wide range of applications in the automotive industry, medical care, and manufacturing.
GL Studio software is the flagship product of DiSTI Company in the United States. It is an outstanding HMI tool used to create real-time, photo-level, interactive 2D or 3D graphical interfaces. GL Studio can be connected with HLA/DIS simulation applications and can generate C++, Java and secure embedded C++ code. The generated source code can be run independently or embedded in other applications.
product description
Application field
The application areas of GL Studio are aviation, automotive, aerospace, medical and process control. GL Studio can be used to develop virtual maintenance trainers, cockpits and dashboards. It can also be used for rapid prototyping, level 3 and level 4 computer-based training course development, and safety-critical embedded development.
Contact Us
14th Floor, Block A, China International Science & Technology Exhibition Center, 12 Yumin Road, Madian, Chaoyang District, Beijing