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Terra Vista, a large terrain modeling tool
Terra Vista, a large terrain modeling tool
Terra Vista has the necessary features to develop the most basic to the most sophisticated terrain types, and supports terrain formats that include all mainstream SAF/CGF, such as OneSAF, CTDB, and JSAF. Based on the built-in land type construction rules and methods, the automatic generation and control technology of terrain templates, the parameterization technology of the model and the auxiliary configuration of the expert system, users can build the land type database more quickly. To provide an ideal small to medium product series, Terra Vista Pro version supports ground, air, maritime, sensor and urban terrain military operations (MOUT) environmental database creation. Using the Pro version, you can get industrial advanced correlation modeling, the fastest speed, and a powerful creation environment.
product description
Product performance
Terra Vista comes with a real-time 3D complex terrain database based on the Windows platform. Through a simple and easy-to-use software interface, it provides unified management of terrain data, supports large data volume and high-precision terrain generation, and supports OpenFlight, TerraPage and other formats. The interface and interface support more expandable output and integration of processing functions.
Contact Us
14th Floor, Block A, China International Science & Technology Exhibition Center, 12 Yumin Road, Madian, Chaoyang District, Beijing