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Comprehensive battlefield situation simulation
Comprehensive battlefield situation simulation
The integrated battlefield situation simulation system consists of a mission scenario situation simulation unit and a typical combat mission scenario situation and simulation system software residing in the simulation unit. The system is based on a large-capacity geographic database and calculation models of illumination, meteorology, astronomy, and geomagnetism. Real-time rendering shows two-dimensional situation map information and three-dimensional geographic environment; based on material models such as spectral characteristics, affine characteristics, and electromagnetic characteristics of force entities, real-time calculations The physical characteristics of photoelectric, radar, and electronic countermeasures of battlefield forces; based on application layer management and control, editing and other modules, it realizes system operation control, force generation and attribute editing, mission planning and other application management.
The global mission scenario situation consists of three-dimensional battlefield geographic environment, three-dimensional combat entity and other three-dimensional model data, as well as the attribute data used to generate target forces and ground features to generate climate, illumination, spectral characteristics, electromagnetic characteristics, geomagnetic characteristics, affine characteristics, The characteristic data of transmission characteristics, the movement data that drives the target behavior and other data information and algorithm models, form an integrated task scenario situation simulation platform with versatility, commonality and openness, and realize system-level simulation and various tasks under multiple task styles Function simulation of nodes, command and control nodes, etc.
The system composition is
based on Shenzhou CGF software to realize multi-platform simulation and system component interface development. The China CGF architecture allows multiple front-end and a back-end simulation engines to be run at the same time to deploy corresponding combat equipment simulators and generate other force models of the enemy and ourselves in the combat environment. The motion state and posture data of the various simulators of Party A are sent through the network and transferred to the corresponding CGF entity model in the background through a unified agreement. At the same time, the data is also pushed to the other sub-system modeling simulation programs through DDS.
Application areas
can be applied to the demonstration and verification of combat concepts, innovative research on tactics, adversarial exercises, system combat capability test identification, joint mission environmental test identification and other directions.
Contact Us
14th Floor, Block A, China International Science & Technology Exhibition Center, 12 Yumin Road, Madian, Chaoyang District, Beijing