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ForwardSim is a professional company that develops HLA interface of general Matlab, including HLA development and training and technical support of Matlab.
HLA Toolbox is the interface of HLA's Matlab, which provides the connection between Matlab model and HLA's RTI, and Toolbox also has a graphical user interface to speed up the design of HLA federation and code generation. Enables federation and state members created by Matlab to use HLA for distributed simulation.
product description
Application field
The goal of the distributed simulation standard HLA is to promote the standardization of modeling and simulation and to improve the reusability of simulation components. In addition to the main applications in national defense, there are also great demands in the fields of aviation, automobiles, manufacturing, and biochemistry. HLA Toolbox can help distributed simulation system developers to seamlessly integrate MATLAB® models into HLA systems in the form of federation members. Engineers who are proficient in using MATLAB® can establish an HLA federation without knowing too much about the content of the HLA standard.
Contact Us
14th Floor, Block A, China International Science & Technology Exhibition Center, 12 Yumin Road, Madian, Chaoyang District, Beijing