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Yancheng Science and Technology Museum
Yancheng Science and Technology Museum 查看详细
Hedong New Town Cultural Center, Liaoyang City
Hedong New Town Cultural Center, Liaoyang City 查看详细
Ningbo Cultural Plaza Science Discovery Center
Ningbo Cultural Plaza Science Discovery Center 查看详细
Shenzhen Children's Palace
Opened in June, 2004,172 sets of 18M inclined ball screen, using Star Rider + Digistar3 six CRT cast 查看详细
Mianyang Museum of Science and Technology
Opened in April 2006,12-meter inclined ball screen 50, using Digistar3 six CRT projectors 查看详细
OPTIS virtual prototyping research platform
Thea-rt is a scalable real-time rendering engine based on physical data, using real physical data of materials (BRDF) and lighting (spectrum, IES data, etc.), with a unique blend of ray tracing and shading technology, applied throughout the product life cycle: Design, engineering, marketing, and corresponding workflows can quickly create complete simulations. It can run on any platform and is compatible with any VR device. 查看详细
Engineering Computing data visualization
ENSIGHT IS CEI’s post-processing and computational visualization and collaboration software for a variety of engineering and science applications (CFD, FEA, collision, fluid mechanics, SPH, and others) that supports various types of engineering analysis data. Many engineers, scientists, and researchers around the world use it to view, understand, and communicate the results of various computer processes. In industry, research, product design and other fields, EnSight provides a wealth of solutions. ENSIGHT can handle millions or even hundreds of millions of node units. It has the advantage of multi-channel parallel processing and rendering, and Support VR system environment and real-time collaboration and other functions. 查看详细
MPMP multi-channel multi-media Stereo Broadcasting System
MPMP multi-channel multimedia broadcast system is a multimedia production and broadcast system applied in multi-channel Stereo virtual reality display environment. Broadcast and edit multimedia materials such as text, pictures, films and sound, and output high-resolution video/animation to a multi-channel display system. 查看详细
Visual collaborative system of engineering
4DmuView project visualization collaborative system can meet all the project visualization requirements, and can run in the office computer, workstation, Stereo projection screen, virtual reality center, immersion environment, multi-channel tracking environment, immersion helmet, network environment, tablets and other display terminals. 4DmuView provides an efficient and interactive collaborative review mode. 4DmuView meets the needs of the manufacturing (aerospace, weapons, ships, Rail Transit, automobiles) and construction industries. In any hardware environment, whether via local or 4DMU network functions, all of the company’s services can quickly access optimized 3d data with a common user interface. 查看详细
GPURE big data model lightweight tool
GPURE software is designed to greatly reduce the weight of CAD models and is designed for companies that use large 3D data models: cars, airplanes, railways, shipbuilding, factory design, etc. . With GPure software, digital prototyping can be used efficiently at any stage of the product life cycle. 查看详细
Virtual Reality human-machine assembly simulation and verification system
The system combines the human motion tracking device with the engineering simulation application software to realize the real-time human-computer interaction simulation, through the high-end Optical motion capture package, and with the Haption force feedback device or RTID package, users can experience the leading edge of virtual assembly simulation in vision, touch, and interaction. For the product assembly and maintenance validation, new entry engineer training and other aspects have important engineering value. 查看详细
Virtual maintenance training
The typical virtual maintenance training is composed of computer hardware and display equipment, maintenance procedure data and 3D virtual scene. The 3d virtual scene provides the front-end of interactive teaching application for students and teachers, in the field of virtual reality, we have nearly 20 years of professional engineering experience in developing 3d virtual scenes, and our 3D virtual scene products meet the advanced requirements of virtual maintenance training system for the fidelity and accuracy of training content. 查看详细
Zhejiang University CAVE system
In order to accelerate the research of VR and visualization, an advanced CAVE system is needed in Zhejiang University, which is the key laboratory of national computer science. Sida has successfully designed and implemented a four-sided CAVE system based on reflection projection. The system is hosted on the SGI ONYX24 CPU, a high end dual Pipe SGI Visual Workstation. 查看详细
Digital Yangtze River
SEASTARS CORP.,LTD. design and build three-channel projection system for Changjiang Academy of Sciences. The system integrates high resolution, high brightness projection displays with high performance SGI Visual Workstation, as well as audio recording and intelligent central control for meeting and video systems. It integrates the demonstration and verification of the virtual Yangtze River Basin digital model and the application of large-scale academic exchange report. The whole system can be immersed in more than 100 people watching at the same time. 查看详细
The Digital Library of the Forbidden City
After two years of construction, the The Palace Museum finally debuted, with a trial run from December 22 to January 17 next year. At present, the booking window has been opened, the audience can make an appointment for free admission. 图为端门数字馆内的数字三希堂(CAVE) 经过两年建设,故宫博物院端门数字馆终于亮相,12月22日至明年1月17日开馆试运行。目前预约窗口已经打开,观众可预约免费参观。 今后,作为进故宫的第一站,端门数字馆将运用新技术向人们概要介绍故宫。数字展览即端门数字馆的常设展,以“故宫是座博物馆”为主题,分为三部分,包括讲述“从紫禁城到博物院”的数字沙盘展示区、以数字形式与观众零距离互动的“紫禁集萃·故宫藏珍”数字文物互动区、让观众感受紫禁城建筑魅力的“紫禁城·天子的宫殿”虚拟现实剧场,希望人们了解“故宫是什么”“故宫有什么”“来故宫看什么”。 在现场看到,端门数字馆推出了数字沙盘、数字书法、数字绘画、数字长卷、数字多宝阁、数字宫廷原状、数字宫廷织绣、数字屏风、虚拟现实剧场等数字展项,通过精心采集的高精度文物数据,结合严谨的学术考证,把丰富的文物和深厚的历史文化积淀,再现于数字世界中。其中,数字书法项目由3块高清屏幕模拟兰亭序中“曲水流觞”的溪流,人们点击靠近岸边的漆器“觞杯”,面前的平板电脑就会随机打开兰亭序中的一个或一组文字,使用带有压感的笔模拟毛笔进行书写,观众所写的字就会融入到原作中,并可与古人原作进行对比。而由12块高清屏幕构成的“数字屏风”,不但将不断为观众展示院藏宫廷文物或与宫廷生活有关的历史知识,还可以实现虚拟试穿。观众只需根据提示,就可以在屏幕上穿上虚拟华服,拍照留念。据悉,虚拟试穿环节采用了真正三维立体的服饰模型,骨骼绑定技术使它与人体的动作更加一致,是目前同类项目中定位最为准确的技术呈现。 故宫博物院院长单霁翔介绍,人们可以在这里走进“数字建筑”、触摸“数字文物”,通过与古建筑、文物藏品的亲密交互,探索它们本身固有的特性与内涵,获得比参观实物更丰富有趣的体验。那些宫殿建筑中小巧雅致的室内空间、质地脆弱难以展出的文物珍品、实物展览中无法表达的内容,都能在端门数字馆以数字形态呈现出来,为人们打开一扇深入了解故宫博物院的数字之门。 与此同时,故宫博物院的官方网站英文版、青少年版也已全新上线,“全景故宫”带给用户“一个人的故宫”体验,“故宫展览”手机APP的发布则能让用户“一手掌握”最新展览动态。 “今后通过与故宫博物院官方网站群、故宫出品系列APP、官方微博微信,以及其他数字展厅的关联、分享与互动,我们将为观众呈现出一个更为丰富、多元、精彩的‘数字故宫’。”单霁翔说。 此外,始建于明嘉靖十六年(1537年)的养心殿将迎来首次全面修复。 养心殿是清代帝王使用时间最长的勤政燕寝之所,也是研究清代工艺美术发展及清代帝后理政及寝居空间的珍贵史料。长期以来,养心殿区域的建筑未进行系统的修缮保护,保存现状较差。 故宫博物院相关负责人介绍,养心殿是观众参观的集中区域,每天约有1/3的观众会进入养心殿参观,该区域可供观众参观的面积仅1000平方米,最大瞬时承载量为541人,但在参观旺季的10:30至15:30的时段,养心殿中滞留人数经常超过800人,参观安全难以保证,参观体验严重降低。 “我们将为养心殿研究性保护项目制定科学详尽的保护规划和专项保护方案,集中人力物力进行科学管理修复,达到充分理解并完整延续其价值、恢复其健康、改善文物保存环境、提升养心殿整体环境质量的目标是养心殿保护修复的首要任务。”单霁翔说。此次修复计划用5年时间。 查看详细
Conservation Project of the Palace Museum
The maturity of virtual reality technology provides a brand-new technology platform for Natural Science Center, Museum and other institutions, so that they can better display and in-depth research in their respective fields. Virtual reality centers can easily be used for museum scientific visualization, archaeological reconstruction, heritage preservation, and travel beyond time and space, virtual Reality Technology Creates A brand-new world for human science and culture. 查看详细
Lunar Exploration Engineering Development Project
Chang’e, also known as Chang’e, is the third satellite in Chang’e’s Chang’e series to orbit the moon. The Chang’e 3 satellite, scheduled for launch in 2013, will achieve three innovations: soft landing, unmanned detection and survival on the night of the moon. The Chang’e III will feature a Lunar Rover to explore the Moon’s surface. In this project, saisida provides a satisfactory solution for the users’technical difficulty: “Using the Lunar Center coordinate system to generate the lunar surface terrain database”. 查看详细
Three-channel rear projection display system of Southwest Institute of Engineering Physics
The system adopts BARCO GALAXY DLP stereoscopic display projector, which is projected on the 7.5 m x 2.4 m seamless back projection screen. The visible data and model can be viewed more directly and from different angles by wearing 3D glasses Equipped with location tracking and interactive system for users to provide a better interaction and experience with virtual objects. 查看详细
Virtual Prototype multi-function Demonstration Center
After a long period of unremitting efforts, with its leading experience and technology in the domestic virtual manufacturing and visual simulation industry, the research project of “Virtual prototype verification and Visual Simulation multi-function Demonstration Center”was obtained. 查看详细
A research program in space
The virtual visualization platform has the following functions: digital pre-assembly, 1:1 digital pre-assembly of the whole machine with Immersion, assembly analysis and Virtual Assembly analysis of complex structure. The whole aircraft digital prototype analysis: including the prototype in-and-out roaming, the movement mechanism simulation and other virtual tests: the realization of flight simulation, combat effectiveness and other virtual tests visual analysis virtual verification: Multidisciplinary Cae data visual analysis conference and Training: for 30 people at the same time view the display content 查看详细
Contact Us
14th Floor, Block A, China International Science & Technology Exhibition Center, 12 Yumin Road, Madian, Chaoyang District, Beijing